Selasa, 31 Januari 2017

Halo, disini mimin akan men-share tentang Teks Narrative. yuk kita belajar bersama...𝨾

Narrative text

• Apa itu teks narrative?

Teks Narrative adalah teks yang menceritakan tentang Legenda(legend), Cerita Rakyat(folklore), Dongeng Peri(Fairytale), Cerita binatang(Fable), dan Mitos(Myts).

 • Tujuan teks Narrative

To entertain or to amuse the readers To deal with picarous experience in different way.

• Struktur teks

Orientation, memperkenalkan tokoh dan alur cerita(Waktu dan Tempat).

 Complication, Pemunculan masalah.

Resolution, penyelesaian masalah.

 • Languange Features

The use of noun phrase. e.g: a beautiful princess, a huge temple.

The use of convectives. e.g: First, before that, then, finally.

The use of adverbial phrases of time and place. e.g: in the garden, two days ago.

The use of the simple past tense. e.g : He walked away from the village.

The use of action verbs. e.g : walk, sleep, wake up. The use of saying verbs. e.g : say, tell, ask.

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